The benefit and disadvantage of gymnastics

Every sport has great benefits for our health and bodies, but there are always downsides. When we exercise, we increase the risk of injury, so how can we prevent it?

The benefits of gymnastics

1.Increase flexibility and strength

Most of your time in gymnastics is devoted to improving flexibility, but strength training is also essential. Good flexibility means improving an athlete's jumping ability, while great strength means improving their grip and control, allowing them to control their movements and landings well. Strength training will help tone all muscles, help reduce chronic muscle soreness and pain, and improve flexibility in muscle groups to prevent injury. The more flexible a person's muscles are, the less likely they are to strain or tear when completing a workout.

2.Improve concentration

Whether it's gymnastics or other sports, concentration is required. There is always a risk of injury in training or on the field. They need to do more than just finish training or play, but also protect themselves and reduce the risk of injury.


Gymnastics needs to emphasize the discipline of the athlete from an early age. The athlete must be able to accept and apply corrections from the coach and must be able to complete training independently while the coach directs other athletes. In addition, athletes need to gain the determination to overcome fear in order to acquire new skills.

4.Time management

Time management for gymnasts is also important. That's because gymnastics teaches them time management skills, and students who participate in gymnastics often have to start planning weeks in advance. Adults who participated in gymnastics as children were generally better at managing their time than adults who participated in gymnastics.

5.Disease prevention

Regular participation in moderate gymnastics training can reduce the risk of health-related diseases such as asthma and obesity. Gymnastics encourages a healthy diet, regular exercise and a balanced lifestyle. Gymnastics training can also help children build strong bones and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

What are the disadvantages

1.Height. In the eyes of most people, gymnastics = not high. All gymnasts, whether male or female, are generally not tall, male athletes are slightly better than female athletes, after all, men's strength is stronger than women's. In fact, gymnastics is good for children to grow taller, because gymnastics is a stretching exercise. Children do not grow taller because they need to invest in training and excessive strength training very early, which is harmful to the development of bones and joints and affects the development of height.

2.Controlled diet leads to malnutrition. Everyone has a growth period, especially children who are still developing. If you start to control your weight during this period, it will lead to malnutrition in the child, resulting in stunting.

3.Coach's choice. Because gymnastics techniques are characterized by dexterity and versatility, athletes need to be as light as swallows to perform difficult rolls and stunts. Therefore, in the initial selection of athletes, coaches pay special attention to innate conditions. Just like basketball, coaches select kids who can grow taller.

4.Injury. Behind every gymnast's flash, there must be countless injuries, major and minor. These minor injuries can be gnashing of teeth, but they can spell trouble for life in the future. These injuries are all experienced by athletes and are one of the factors that determine their careers. These chronic injuries, while usually manageable with ongoing rehabilitation and physical therapy, can be prolonged.

How to avoid

Warm up. Adequate warm-up preparation can mobilize the body before exercising and put the body into "exercise mode". Doing warm-up exercises can help you get used to the rhythm of exercise in advance.

Check equipment and sports equipment. Be sure to check your sports equipment or gear before the game. Because they wear out or loosen over time, this can lead to injuries to athletes.

Rest. Don't force yourself to be tired, this is your body's "warning" that you need enough rest. If you continue to exercise when you are tired, you will continue to place unnecessary burdens on your body, greatly increasing the risk and possibility of injury. So have enough rest and maintain a steady breathing rhythm.

Professional sports equipment. Nearly every sport has specialized exercise equipment that will protect you well and reduce the risk of injury. Choose the professional equipment that is right for you.

Stretch. Remember to stretch after exercising. Stretching allows your body to slowly recover from the rhythm of intense competition, not only to relieve pain, but also to reduce the risk of sports injuries.

Moderate amount. Do a moderate amount of exercise, and when you feel tired or short of breath, stop or take a break and don't continue exercising.


Although exercise is good, don't be greedy. To protect yourself when exercising, it is best to wear professional sports equipment, and do not continue to exercise when you are tired.

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